Graduate Student Research Institute
This is a description of the 2023 Graduate Student Research Institute, sponsored by UW Libraries.
Are you:
- an incoming graduate student looking for research tips and advice?
- a continuing graduate student hoping to boost your research skills?
- an RA about to start work on a new or intensive research project?
The Graduate Student Research Institute (GSRI) is a free and asynchronous multi-day online workshop offered by the UW Libraries with the goal of motivating new and returning UW graduate students to explore tools and strategies to research smarter, not harder.
GSRI can help you to:
- Learn practical skills and strategies for effective academic research
- Become familiar with core tools and resources for research productivity
- Connect with relevant support units across the UW campuses
- Build community with other UW students and campus support staff
There are two separate sessions of GSRI being offered in Summer 2023. Each one is online and mostly asynchronous (e.g. no required meeting times, some optional events via Zoom).
Session A: August 21-August 25, 2023 (registration deadline: Aug 14)
Session B: September 11-September 15, 2023 (registration deadline: Sep 4)
Participation FAQs
- Learning for GSRI takes place over 5 days with no fixed participation times (self-paced).
- GSRI requires daily engagement in the form of small activities and Slack discussions. We recommend you reserve one hour per day to complete the GSRI curriculum.
- GSRI is a free, online- not-for-credit experience. All UW graduate students are welcome.
- You can access the GSRI content freely without registering, but by registering you will receive guidance from UW Libraries staff through Slack
How to Join
Registration for GSRI 2023 is now closed. Thank you for your interest!
For questions about GSRI sessions and other online library skill workshops, or for session resources, contact