Privacy Statement
The University of Washington Libraries values the privacy of library users. The Libraries seeks to minimize the collection and retention of personally identifiable information. Information that is retained is required for the management of library operations. To maintain the privacy of these records the Libraries has put in place procedures to safeguard personal information.
Federal law, state law and local policies govern the privacy of library records. The Libraries may release information to law enforcement agents in response to a search warrant, subpoena or other lawful directive. All requests for personally identifiable information will be reviewed by the Attorney General’s Office.
Commercial Use of Information
No personal information maintained by the Libraries is sold to third parties.
Web Use
For information about web use, cookies, links to other sites and related information see the University of Washington Online Privacy Statement.
Circulation Records
The circulation database contains information needed to manage the loaning of library material. There is no active record linking a user to library material after the book has been returned unless charges have been levied. Circulation data may reside on secure system backup files for a short period of time. The Libraries may provide information to third parties under contract to the University in order to obtain payment of fees or return of library materials.
General Request for Services or Information
Responses to information and reference questions may reside on secure servers for a period of time.
Fee-based services
Information is maintained in order to respond to user requests and to manage billing. The Libraries may provide information to third parties working for us to obtain payment of fees or return of library materials.
When contacting library staff users should be aware that email messages are subject to public disclosure laws and may be obtained as a public record.
Contacting Us
For more information about our privacy policies, please contact us.
Last reviewed and updated: August 2016