The Data Services Unit is located on the ground floor (G051) of Suzzallo Library. Alternately, you can email us at uwlib-data@uw.edu.
Research Data Services Unit
Jenny Muilenburg is the Acting Research Data Services Coordinator for the Libraries. She focuses on supporting the data needs of faculty and students, data management plan writing and guidance, data curation and archiving, and data repositories. Office: Suzzallo Library G051 Phone: 206-221-6348 Email: jmuil at uw.edu |
Elizabeth Bedford is the Data Services Projects Librarian at UW Libraries. Her goal is to assist researchers in properly caring for their data throughout the research lifecycle - from Data Management Plan to data sharing and archiving. Office: Suzzallo Library G051 Phone: 206-685-1540 Email: ebedford at uw.edu |
Negeen Aghassibake is the Data Visualization Librarian at UW Libraries. She is available to offer consultations and instruction on data analysis and visualization. Office: Suzzallo 122 Phone: 206-685-3798 Email: negeena at uw.edu