Vol. 1 No. 10
Camp Harmony News-Letter
Vol. 1 No. 10 -- Puyallup, Wash. -- July 18, 1942
Page 1
PAY CHECKS MONDAY $9,150 WILL GO TO 2,400.....
Area D workers will line up at the center's central cashier's office in their home area at 9 a.m. Monday, to receive initial paychecks covering the period extending from April 26 to May 27, WCCA Service Manager Kermit Livingston announced today.
Workers in other areas were assured that schedules are being arranged in an effort to guarantee distribution of the long-awaited checks to all eligible residents during the week following Monday.
Individuals applying for checks were requested to bring their work slips, or else be able to give their work numbers.
Finance Officer K.L. Harding declared the center's first checks total $9,150 in value and will go to 2,400 workers.
"Some of the checks," he explained, "are smaller than others, because they are for workers who were not on their jobs for a full month."
Harding added that additional checks for 2,450 persons and totalling $21,000 are expected to arrive from San Francisco "within ten days."
Pay checks may be cashed individually by mail through the holder's own bank, it was explained, or else be endorsed and turned over, together with a self-addressed envelope, to Center Cashier W.E. Hill who will arrange to have them cashed at the Puyallup Branch of the First National Bank. The latter procedure will entail a five-cent service charge for the local bank.
The paychecks may also be used for purchasing canteen coupon books from Cashier Hill, it was further explained.
J.J. McGovern, center manager, became Camp Harmony's first "resident" to offer his blood in the current campaign for blood plasma as registration began this week to sign up voluntary donors for blood tests.
"This campaign is being carried on to supplement the reserve supply of the Red Cross blood bank which is being overtaxed by the great demand on overseas fighting fronts," Tom Kanno, headquarters campaign supervisor, declared.
The Red Cross blood bank is a reserve supply maintained principally for emergencies. Since the inception of war, however, it was the only organization with enough blood plasma qualified to meet the sudden requirement.
The drain on its reserve has necessitated a nation-wide campaign for blood donations.
Kanno revealed that the following persons were named to accept applica- (Cont'd. on pg. 2)
Japanese books, newspapers and printed material of any kind still retained by residents within Camp Harmony must be turned into respective Area Head quarters immediately, J.J. McGovern center manager, announced today.
McGovern's order reiterated and emphasized the army order of a month ago which classified Japanese printed material as contraband and, as such, subject to seizure.
"Such material turned in will not be confiscated but will be stored in warehouses until circumstances permit their return to the owners," McGovern said.
The order excepted approved Japanese religious books such as Bibles and hymnals.
This Week's Angels
If there's anything purely and irrevocably American, it's that strident, gutty musical form we call jazz.
Koichi Hayashi's crew may not yet be able to toot the "Jazz Me Blues" with the skillfully contrived abandon of Bob Crosby's Dixieland gang, but we like to think they're working toward it, and working in the tradition of Biederbecke, Armstrong, Goodman, Ellington, Spanier, Stacey and so on down the long line of immortal jazzmen.
In the meantime, the lads are keeping the center alive to one of the most pleasurable features of Americana. You can suck our lollipops in between licks, boys.
Page 2
Things are happening in this temporary community of ours which do much to remind us that it was no mere newspaperman's penchant for euphony which conferred the adjective "total" upon the present war.
The current drive to salvage our waste materials and the donations of Camp Harmony blood to the "plasma-bank," not to mention the mounting sales of War Bonds and Stamps, serve to impress upon us the truth that there is no aspect of our existence which can escape the implications of total war.
Nothing is too precious, nothing is useless, and nothing is immaterial to the great and necessary task of ridding the earth of Axis tyranny; and in being aware of this, and in acting accordingly, we are demonstrating to that part of America which may distrust us that barbed wire enclosures cannot stifle our democratic faith and convictions--nor prevent us from delivering our maximum for Victory.
Prices on 133 canteen articles, covering most everyday needs, have been reduced on the average of 20%, "Si" Perkins, Camp Canteen Supervisor announced this week. In some cases, however, the prices were slightly raised, and other prices remained the same.
Some welcome reductions will be in the prices of cigarettes (15¢-14¢); lighter flints (5¢-3¢); handkerchiefs (10¢-7¢); ink (10¢-8¢); nail polish (10¢-8¢); hair oil (10¢-7¢); pencils (5¢-3¢); playing cards (50¢-43¢); powder puffs (10¢-8¢); razor blades (20¢-18¢); shoe laces (5¢-3¢); and tooth brushes (25¢-18¢).
Canvas gloves went up (15¢-17¢); talcum powder (15¢-18¢); cheese crackers (10¢-11¢); and tomato juice (10¢-11¢).
Prices on candy bars, ice cream bars, chewing gum and soda pop remained unchanged with no prospect of an immediate change.
Showing its whole-hearted interest in the nation's war efforts, residents of Camp Harmony have purchased approximately $8250 worth of war bonds to date, chairman of the local bond drive George Minato revealed today.
Up to the first of July, $5,500 went into the war bond coffer,but since the drive was instituted 18 days ago, $2,750 more were sold.
Between July 13 and 17, the four areas made the following purchases: "A"--$50; "B"--$25; "C"--$1325 and "D"--$975.
Aiding Minato with the bond campaign are the following sub-chairmen: "A"--George Kakehashi, Rex Yamashita and S. Hara; "B"--Kenji Kimura, K.S. Nakamura; "C"--Mr. O. Hashiguchi, George Watanabe; and "D"--Henry T. Kubota.
In quick response to the nation's call for waste materials that can be transformed into needed military supplies, Camp Harmony's kitchens last Monday began salvaging hundreds of pounds of cooking fats and oils, which up to then had been discarded as useless refuse.
Center manager, J.J. McGovern announced, in addition, that vast quantities of empty tin cans, wooden crates and cardboard---"everything that can be useful again"---are being sent regularly to Fort Lewis from center mess halls.
The fats and oils salvage program was adopted in line with an appeal from the War Production Board for a continuous flow of millions of pounds of drippings from the country's frying pans and broilers into the rendering and processing plants.
Loss of the Philippines, the Dutch East Indies and Malaya, according to the board, has reduced by half the normal American imports of fats and oils needed in the manufacture of paints, explosives, medication and food.
An estimated 2 billion pounds of kitchen fats have gone out with the national garbage each year.
(cont'd. from pg. 1)
tions for blood tests in each area:
Area A--George Kakehashi
Area B--Jimmy Kinoshita
Area C--Chosaburo Hashiguchi and G. Watanabe
Director Albert Ichihara of Area D yesterday named Howard "Chip" Sakura as campaign chairman for his area.
Pierce County Health authorities and the City of Tacoma, sponsors of the drive, indicated physicians will be brought to Camp Harmony when enough donors are signed up.
The Camp Harmony
- Dick Takeuchi
- Associate Editor
- Dyke Miyagawa
- Editorial Assisstants
- Taka Oka, Makiko Takahashi
- Art Editor
- Keith Oka
- Sports Editor
- Kenji Tani
- Reporters
- Ruth Yoshimoto, Gertrude Takayama, Mitsuko Yagi, and Hanako Okamoto.
- Staff Artists
- Higashi Hirai, Eddie Sato.
- Area Correspondents
- Tadako Tamura, Kiyo Okawa.
Page 3
Chances of Camp Harmony residents relocating at the Tule Lake center appeared slimmer this week as 4,000 Pinedale assembly center Japanese began moving to Tule Lake Wednesday, July 15, by Army order.
With approximately 500 persons being transferred each day the movement will be completed by July 23, bringing Tule Lake's population to 15,716. California evacuees at Pinedale, numbering 750, will be sent to the Colorado river relocation center in Poston, Arizona.
Meanwhile, the WCCA office here began segregating Camp Harmony according to blocks of 500 persons each, indicating that an early removal, possibly by mid-August, may be ordered by the Western Defense Command.
Ernie LaForest, operations manager, pointed out that "we want to be ready when the removal order is issued to keep confusion at a minimum."
He revealed that whereas it had taken 20 days to completely fill Camp Harmony his schedule would empty this camp in 14 days at the rate of 500 persons a day.
Since July 10, more than 1,800 evacuees from military zone No. 2, in northern California, have been moved to Tule Lake. Originally built to accommodate 10,000 evacuees, Tule Lake was enlarged to handle 16,000.
An army press release, dated June 4, had stated that Camp Harmony residents were slated for Tule Lake. However, no further orders on relocation have been received, the WCCA office indicated. No credence was placed in reports that Idaho would be the ultimate relocation center.
Four star movies of recent showings willl be running soon in the area movie houses, Rube Hosokawa, supervisor of recreation said today.
"Foreign Correspondent" is the first full-lengther of a series of eight motion pictures that are on the recreation schedule. "Our Town", "House Across the Bay", "Son of Monte Cristo", "New Wine", "Cheers for Miss Bishop", "Housekeeper's Daughter" and "Twin Beds" are coming attractions.
Starring in "Foreign Correspondent" are Joel McCrea, Laraine Day and Herbert Marshall. The picture will be shown in the different areas from July 20 to the 25. It is a fast moving drama of espionage and fifth-column activity. Directed by Alfred Hitchcock, the picture is packed with suspense.
Following is the schedule for the other movies: "Our Town", from July 27 to August 1; "House Across the Bay", August 3-8; "Son of Monte Cristo", August 10-15; "New Wine", August 17-22; "Cheers for Miss Bishop", August 24-29; "Housekeeper's Daughter", August 31-September 5; "Twin Beds", September 7-12.
Admission will not be charged, but donations will be accepted, Hosokawa declared.
D Smokey Stovers held a Firemen's Ball in the area Recreation hall, Tuesday.
The dance, arranged by Fire Marshal Taiji Kashino and Fire Chief Jobu Matsuzaki, was an invitational affair.
Refreshments were served and a fire-eating exhibition by Hiro Yamaguchi was featured during intermission.
Center enthusiasm over gastronomic improvements resulting from the recently instituted Army rations were expected to rise to delirious heights, as Housing and Feeding Supervisor Clyde C. Randall announced the arrival of quantities of rice.
The center staple had been missing from the mess tables for a few days following the change to Army rations, but was to be available again with last Friday's fish dinner.
This Saturday is not a common, old, ordinary Saturday. Not for the girls of D, anyway. It is "Sadie Hawkin's Day," which in Lil' Abner's Skunk Hollow means that a girl may grab any boy of her choice, and he cannot resist.
The same procedure will rule in Jimmie Sakamoto's Skunk Hollow, only the victimized male will be taken to a dance instead of "Marrryin' Sam." Hunting time for the Sadie Hawkin's dance, sponsored by the art department started at 5 p.m. Friday and will end at 7 p.m. today.
Programs for the dance may be obtained at the Information Office.
Koichi Hayashi's Mountaineers will set up the cone-pone.
Page 4
Another laurel was added to Camp Harmony's art staff when the Puyallup Press, town weekly, praised the Victory Bond banners which the artists had drawn for the recent Fourth of July Parade in Puyallup.
"The creators of the signs did not pull their punches. No doubt was left as to where their sentiments lay. One banner depicted Hirohito, Hitler and Mussolini as rats and suggested that they be stamped out with war stamps. Others were equally scathing", the paper stated.
Those who designed and constructed the banners were Keith Oka, Hisashi Hirai, Sho Kanako, Masao Tsutakawa, Moe Naito, Suds Nakagawa, Tsutomu Saito and Paul Hiyama.
The Press had further comments on Camp Harmony, revealed in an editorial letter in the same issue.
"There are still a large number of men, women and children of Japanese ancestry at Camp Harmonotony here. Some have been transferred to permanent centers and others are to follow. For the most part, they are good sports about the whole affair, and I am confident that there are more American-Japanese than Japanese-Americans at the Camp", the letter read.
Bulging larger and weighing heavier than mail sacks for the Puyallup Central post offfice, Camp Harmony's daily flow of mail exceeds by more than twice, the number of packages and letters handled through the regular Puyallup Post office channels.
The daily average, tabulated by Postal Supervisor George Okada, revealed outgoing and incoming mail both total about 950 letters each.
More than 270 parcels accumulate at the Area D central postoffice from where they are distributed to the area postoffices. No letters are as yet censored although all packages are inspected at the headquarters post-office by the WCCA internal police.
Censored letters received recently by Camp Harmony residents from Tule Lake aroused some protest in this camp but Okada said the letters were censored at Tule Lake and not at the headquarters post office.
The heaviest recent outgoing mail was over the Fourth of July holidays sent out July 6 when close to 2,000 first class letters went out from Camp Harmony.
Okada requested that people buy their postage stamps from the Puyallup postoffice representative when he is visiting each area. He pointed out that the WCCA has not allotted funds to postmasters with which to purchase stamps and that stamps which thus far have been available at the area post offices have been purchased by the post masters themselves.
War bonds and stamps may be purchased at all area post offices in any denomination.
Camp Harmony's money orders average 125 and amount to $1,000 daily, George Okada, Postmaster, announced today. The highest figure to date is $1,800 but orders are steadily going up, Okada added.
Ninety per cent of the postal money orders are for purchases from Sears Roebuck and Montgomery Ward mail order houses, Okada pointed out.
A new system of parcel inspection was inaugurated last Thursday following Army orders.
An Interior Security Policeman will inspect each package as the receiver opens it.
His schedule is as follows: Area A, 10 to 11 a.m. and 3 to 3:30 p.m.; Area B, 1 to 1:45 p.m.; Area C, 2 to 2:45 p.m.; Area D, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 3:30 to 4: p.m.
Americanization classes to acquaint the issei with the English language are being conducted in A, B, and C, while the program in D is scheduled to start Monday.
John Hayatsu is instructor in A; Lilyan Inana, Haarue Sao, Mitsuo Kihara, and Kikuko Osaki in B; Marguerite Okamura, Kinjo Kinno and Hiroshi Yamada in C; and in D, Yoriaki Nakagawa will lecture.
Issei wishing to enroll in the Americanization classes may sign up at their area information offices.
Vital Statistics
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Momoi
July 10, boy Area C
Mr. & Mrs. Takashi Matsumoto
June 21, boy Area A
Mr. & Mrs. Seiji Aoki
July 13, boy Area A
Mr. & Mrs. Isao Kamada
July 15, boy Area D
Mr. & Mrs. Masao Hayashi
July 12, girl Area A
Mr. & Mrs. Shig Ogasawara
July 16, girl Area B
Sugiyama, child of Mr. & Mrs. Sansaku Sugiyama
July 15, Area D
Stillborn at Area D hospital.
Page 5
Alien and citizen evacuees are entitled to the benefits of Old Age and Survivor's Insurance provisions of the Social Security Board.
Persons eligible for the Old Age and Survivor's Insurance benefits may either continue to receive their payments, or apply for the benefits to which they are entitled, should they have become eligible within the last few months.
Payments to evacuees have been suspended because of changed addresses. The Social Security Board, located in the Washington Building, Tacoma, should be advised as to the present address of the recipient so that payments can be made.
Evacuees are entitled to the provisions of the Social Security Act so long as they were employed in an industry covered by the Social Security Act.
$14,273 worth of free coupon books were issued to Camp Harmony residents during the past two weeks, Center Cashier W.E. Hill announced today.
The issuance of free coupons began July 1 in Area D and rounds were made to other areas in the days following. Books have been issued to all but a few who have yet to call for them, Hill declared. He advised those persons to apply as soon as possible.
A breakdown of the figures revealed that 3,180 books in the $2.50 denominations, 1,251 books worth $4 each and 1,319 books at $1 each were passed out.
A ruling that each family was limited to $7.50 worth of free coupon books was rescinded at the last moment. Accordingly, families with eight or nine members received as much as $21.
Next month's books are expected to be issued August 1.
Transference of Camp Harmony residents to Tule Lake or other relocation projects will be only for the purpose of reuniting immediate families, Army orders issued July 1 revealed.
An immediate family, as defined by the Army, consists of "husband and wife, their children and such other relations as actually resided with the family as a member of such family prior to evacuation."
Consideration will be given to those not within the family classification "only when such individuals are physically or mentally dependent upon the family for maintenance."
Applications for transference will be accepted by the center manager, J.J. McGovern, at the WCCA office. Information concerning the reason for transfer, point of transfer, whether traveling expenses can be met, date desired for transfer, weight of goods to be transferred and location of household belongings other than that possessed here in camp will be necessary, the Army order stated.
Coming of warmer weather this week moved WCCA officials to reiterate the importance of complying with sanitation rules.
Residents were asked not to "borrow" springs from screen doors of restrooms for private use.
"Let's keep flies and odors at a minimum-----it's everyone's responsibility to others and to himself," J.J. McGovern, center manager, declared.
Appealing for 10,000 subscribers in and out of assembly and relocation centers is the "Pacific Citizen," an eight-page weekly published in Salt Lake City, Utah, by the National Headquarters of the JACL.
Editor of the "Citizen," which is winning acclaim as the most effective newspaper the nisei cause ever had, is Larry Tajiri, formerly English editor of the San Francisco Nichi-Bei, and widely know among nisei writers as "a newspaperman's newspaperman."
Subscription rates are $2.00 for JACL members and $2.50 for non-members, Cora Uno, Camp Harmony's "Pacific Citizen" drive manager, announced.
Church Notices
Sat.-Area C-8:30-9:30 a.m.
Sun.-Area A-6:30-7:30 a.m.
Sun.-Area D-7:45-8:45 a.m.
Mon.-Area B-9-10 a.m.
Confessions on day before in A, B and D.
Sun.-Area A- Rev. Ridenour
Sun.-Area B- Rev. Taylor
Sun.-Area C- Rev. Warren
Sun.-Area D- Miss C. Apel
Prayer meetings every Thursday evening.
Sun.-Area A - Rev. Terao
Sun.-Area D - Rev. Terao
Sun.-Area B - Rev. Terao
Sun.-Area C - Rev. Terao
The Rev. Sunya Pratt will go to Areas A and B, on Sunday.
Page 5
Possible paging error since this should be page six..
Bringing together Camp Harmony's top-flight golfing aces, an open golf tourney will be held over the tricky nine-hole course of the K and K Kountry Klub in Area A Sunday, weather permitting, Area Athletic Director, Art Sasaki announced yesterday.
The morning rounds will begin at 8:15 a.m. with the players trying for low medalist honors. The eight with the lowest scores will qualify for the afternoon's match rounds.
A prize of $3.50 in script will be given the champion while the low medalist will garner a $1 coupon book. Each entrant will be assessed a 25 cent entry fee.
Among the top-notch fairway performers who are entered in this unique tournament are the following from A - Sparky Kono, the Kashiwagi brothers, and Ted Nakashima; from B - Frank Nagamine; from C - Sumio Nagamatsu; and from D - Frank Hattori and "Doc" Uchida.
Attesting to the caliber of the tourney, all the golfers mentioned above were formerly 10 or under handicappers during their pre-evacuation days.
The entry list follows:
A - Lake Hoshino, Sparky Kono, Tats Hayasaka, Johnson Shimizu, Mits Kashiwagi, George Kashiwagi, Mrs. and Mrs. Yashima Mrs. Chiba, Ted Nakashima, Kawaguchi and Bill Mimbu.
B - Dick Momoda, Terumasa Furuta, Yone Ota, Takeo Furumoto, Kenji Yoshino, Monroe Beppu, Nobi Nakagawa, Victor Kambe, Y. Furukawa and F. Nagamine.
C - N. Nakagawa, T. Umino, Y. Urakawa, R. Nakano, Sumio Tai, M. Kawaguchi, Mr. Sasaki, Mrs. Shimizu, Hiro Sasaki and Sumio Nagamatsu.
D - Dr. Uchida, Dr. Nakamura, T. Hibiya, Tanabe, Y. Harada, Henry Miura, T. Nakamura, T. Kinomoto, T. Masuda, F. Hattori, K. Iki, C. Hattori and S. Uchida.
After this Sunday, WCCA official Richard Weir in charge of recreation and athletics asked that no sports events be slated on a Sunday.
Interference with church activities was the reason given for Weir's request.
Judo's big day will come one week hence, July 25, when a promotional tourney will be held in Area D's sumo pit, Athletic Director "Chick" Uno said today.
This tournament is for those under sho-dan who will have a chance to advance themselves.
Also on the program will be special matches bringing together the senior division matmen.
With the exception, possibly of C, which has limited athletic facilities, each area will have a chance to sponsor an inter-area tourney.
Sweeping 10 matches during the class A round, Area D's sumo battlers romped off with the major honors of the day during the mammoth sumo "taikai" held in Area D last Sunday.
A crowd which filled every nook and cranny surrounding the area around the sumo pit saw 150 "sumo-toris" from all four areas smother each other from morning til after dinner hours.
Highlights of the "taikai" took place at 8 p.m. when "sanyaku" matsmen from Area D took on four sumo stars from Area A and B. Area D garnered the first three matches when Saddle Baba tossed "Beefo" Amabe of A, Mits Yano nudged Kiyohara of B and Tom Hirai outlasted Yamamoto of B.
But in the bout of the evening, "Arribo" Yanagimachi of D battled Mits Mizuki of A to a draw.
All in all, Area D waltzed off with 10 matches during the evening.
Only in the event the nearby army camp makes a request for a game between a Camp Harmony team and one of their own will such inter-area games be allowed WCCA officials said today.
Camp Harmony's second giant sumo "taikai" is to be held on Area A's Pitcher Field on August 1, Turo Nakamura revealed today.
1. A staff memo dated July 20, 1942 from Tai Inui and sent to all area directors notes that this article was wrong. "Please inform the people that the box notice in the July 18th issue of the Camp Harmony News Letter that no sports events were to be scheduled on Sunday was an error." Ichihara, Hiroyuki collection. Reel 1. Manuscripts and University Archives Division, University of Washington Libraries.